Benefits of small group personal training

Do you find yourself saying “I really want to sort my health and fitness out”?

If you’re under 40, then it’s likely you've got a lot of things getting in the way- from busy schedules, the intimidation of commercial gyms, not knowing what to do, or even if you're doing exercises correctly. Because of this, most people find it tough to stay motivated and potentially never get to where they want to be, in terms of their health and fitness. This is why so many people choose small group personal training- it removes all the stress associated with commercial gyms and dramatically improves the likelihood of developing long term, sustainable exercise habits.

Plus Points

Below are some of the many plus points of joining a small group personal training gym like ours:

One to one coaching and programming

One of the standout advantages of small group personal training is the level of support and coaching you receive. From the beginning you are treated as an individual, and the session is designed completely around you, your goals and current fitness levels. As it's designed around you, not only will you find it more enjoyable, but will see improvements far more quickly.

Fitting around your current schedule

I understand that life can be hectic, especially for those juggling work, family, and other commitments. This is why we have sessions from 06:30 in the morning through to 19:00 at night. I am also happy to add sessions at different times if there is a need for it, making it easier to fit sessions into your busy life. All this means that you’re more likely to consistently keep up with the training, and more importantly attain all the benefits associated with exercise.

Feeling safe and comfortable

Feeling safe and comfortable is crucial and one of the most important factors when starting a new fitness journey. In the small group sessions, you don't ever have to worry about not knowing what to do, or if people are judging you. This is because every session is coached from start to finish, and you'll be with a small group of like minded people, who are there to improve their quality of life whilst having fun at the same time.

Finally able to be consistent with going to the gym

One of the other benefits of being a member is that I'm here to keep you motivated and accountable. Motivating someone is surprisingly easy, if you're enjoying your sessions and seeing regular improvements then your consistency will be high (you’ll actually look forward to training as opposed to dreading it). Like a lot of things in life, if we are consistent at something we tend to get good at it. Meaning you'll soon be feeling stronger, fitter and potentially happier. Alongside the training I also give nutrition advice and look at different things like your sleep and whether there are any other stressors in your life, to make sure you maximise on living a healthy balanced life.

Costs and contract

I don't ask for people to sign long-term contracts. It’s really important to me that  you enjoy your training with me.   If you’re enjoying the sessions and seeing results, then the chances are that you’d want to stay anyway (unless you have a change in circumstances).  For that reason, all I ask is that you give me one month’s notice and that's it (all T&C’s are provided and you must agree to them when you sign up for membership).

If this all sounds like your ideal solution, then click join below and we can get started. Alternatively if you require some more information, then please pop your details below and I will get in touch.